Scott Chalmers travels the world filming and also owns one of the top saunas in the UK - Wild Water Sauna. I'm lucky enough to have known Scott for some time, he has a calm about him that I haven't quite figured out... until I got him to write it down... 


"In today’s fast-paced world, we often find ourselves detached from the soothing rhythm of our natural environment. We're bombarded with a constant influx of information and distraction; with technology, social media, and work responsibilities, we have to really go out of our way to find a moment of presence in everyday life.

For the last 12 years I have worked in an incredibly fast paced industry that at times has required pushing my mental and physical wellbeing to the absolute max. I love my job as a filmmaker and it has gifted me some incredible life experiences; From trekking through the dense Sri Lankan jungle on a 500cc scrambler, to spending an afternoon in Paris with Mike Tyson, and everything in between. It's a wild, addictive and often stressful ride that the mind and body can get completely caught up in.

A cause-effect relationship suggests that one event is the impetus for another to occur; too much stress can cause anxiety, poor eating habits can lead to health issues, working too hard can lead to fatigue... And so on.
We all need to ground ourselves and recalibrate once in a while. Stepping into the heat of the sauna is the perfect antidote for a rapid lifestyle and a fantastic tool in practicing the art of being present in the moment.

There's a reason why cultures around the world have been using saunas for millenia and here in the UK we are only now catching up to this miraculous ancient practice. Not only does our circulation, heart, lungs and skin respond positively, but our immune system, metabolism and mental health do too.

The moment the sauna door swings open, we are stepping into a blissful state of calm. Time starts to move at a slower pace. Momentarily unplugged from the matrix, not a device in sight. The gentle sound of the fire crackling combined with the waves lapping the shore outside the door creates a symphony of primal relaxation. The positive heat stress induced in a sauna prompts the body to release endorphins, also known as "feel-good" hormones, whilst reducing cortisol levels, the body's primary stress hormone. With each exhale, tension and stress releases and life's worries melt away as we surrender to the heat...

Now it's time to step out into the crisp sea breeze and welcome the chill of the ocean. As the shoreline tickles our toes, we let go of anything negative that has accumulated at any level of our being (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual). Follow the power of breath and embrace the cold. Tune in to the body, go within. There's no need to force it. Focus on long, calm exhalations to help release any tension from the body.

The immediate cooling effect after a sauna helps to reduce inflammation and alleviate muscle soreness, whilst improving blood circulation and calming the nervous system. This provides a sense of relief from pain and stress, contributing to a state of relaxation and a heightened sense of what it means to be present.

And as if you didn’t need anymore convincing, these benefits have been scientifically proven by the likes of Dr. Susanna Søberg, an expert in cold & heat therapy and functional breathing for optimized health

and performance. One of her principles is to finish on the cold to increase metabolism and prolong the benefits of happy chemicals in the brain.

There is something truly magical about the combination of heat from a sauna and the energy of the cold Atlantic sea. The combination of the sauna and sea creates this holistic sense of well-being, connecting us back to the tranquility of mother nature and grounding ourselves in the present moment.

A way to find moments of peace and presence amidst the chaos of life."

If you would like to know more about Wild Water Sauna's locations please take a look at there instagram or website

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