Choosing Balance Over Burnout

Choosing Balance Over Burnout

Recently I've been having some help to get the adventure that is Blank Canvas Surf out of my brain and out onto paper to see if I can make sense of it all...

I have been asked to write a 'Founders Story'... if you know me, then you'll understand that I cringed at the thought of this, but none the less, taken on the challenge.

Three oat flat whites - yes I was wired - and 2 hours in a local cafe, here is what I have come up with. To be honest, I'm really proud, so please... check out my story, I'd love to know yours too x


How it all started...


Creating your own business is both one of the most exciting & exhausting challenges you can face, and I was lucky enough to succeed at creating the most beautiful, successful business many years ago. Like you would nurture a child… the love, energy, and attention that went into making it was however at a cost, and in 2019 I suffered from severe burnout syndrome. I had three seizures in one day… and much to my families confusion, that night I was desperate to get back to work. This, complied with insomnia, what I now see as signs of depression, and social withdrawal was the consequence I was paying for what the world interpreted as ‘being successful’.

On reflection, I was so consumed with my daily grind, it was near impossible to see how incredibly unhealthy it was. My drivers license was taken away for a year, and I was forced to cycle everywhere - it was heaven - even after a days hard graft. To move, feel the sunshine on my face and breathe the fresh air. Then as winter kicked in, I discovered yoga, and cold water swimming, not to mention the incredible communities of people who were practicing the art of pressing that all important pause button.

Then, I started to forget  - I was driving again - my desire to be outside and to pause was put to the bottom of my priority list. Insomnia returned, anxiety was at an all time high… family were getting worried. So I made the biggest, scariest most obvious change to my life I have ever done.

I chose me.

How it's going... 

Fast forward, I have promised that I will never allow myself to do that ever again. My wish is to help others to consciously press their pause button. Get outside, and incorporate balance into their lifestyle.

To choose balance over burnout.

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